Monday, September 24, 2012

Our First Glance...

Have you ever heard of The Bilderberg Group?  If so, ever done any research on it?  I first became fearfully interested in this group two years ago, right around the time when Alex Jones first released his documentary Operation ENDGAME.  This documentary is a few hours long and totally filled with facts, ideas, as well as thought and opinions on the way people think or feel about the group; the documentary also reveals the true identity of the Bilderberg Group, which if you are anything like me, initially scared me to see the sabotage they construct for the entire world.   You see, Alex Jones is an investigative journalist and now documentary filmmaker who has been on the hot trail of The Bilderberg Group to inform the public and the world about their secrets behind World Power.  This group of very wealthy and dominant searching people is a very private group of people that want to take the world matters into their own hands by ruling/voting what will happen within the world’s situations for a year’s span in time.  Jones is probably the number one man out there right now with so much knowledge about the scary truths that comes out of the Bilderberg Group Meetings.  These Meetings which takes place once a year while they allow absolutely no press or film cameras at all.  On his website INFOWARS.COM they state that "Jones' mission is to re-ignite the spirit of 1776 and stand as an example of the fact that one man can build a vocal media platform without the aid of big corporate news networks that only serve to compromise and dilute the core message of freedom and liberty."  (  Through-out time and with this separate Blog I have created, I will go deeper into the truth of The Bilderberg Group also touching subjects that relate such as the Illuminati and The New World Order which all tend to work hand in hand in the end.